Finally, the headlines in our local papers and online news portal found reason to scream to the highest pitch, world cup matches are coming live to die-die-must-watch fans in Singapore. Finally. Eventually. And expectedly.
The 'successful' bidding by abang-adek Singtel and Starhub surely call for champagne to be popped. Big party event, don't we all think so? Sure, but I am not at all interested, am no football fan. Not anymore that is. Interest died off after our national heroes like Mat Noh, Kim Song, Samad, Eric Paine, Dollar Kassim and other footballers of their time no longer donned the national colour playing for Singapore. After their time, football is all about money, not national pride, no more for me.
Now that Singaporeans get to see their full 64 matches all 'Live', why then do they continue to air so much grouses? By comparison, Singaporeans are suckered by the high cost of the package put forth by the 2 service providers. Somebody made a comparison on the cost of viewing with other countries of the region and sure enough, the usurious rates are not to be easily swallowed. But fans asked for it isn't it?
I do not think the service providers are going to make any adjustment to the price, I don't really care. When there is a product that consumers are even willing to deprive themselves of sleep to get it, it will make no sense for singtel or starhub to give it away cheaper. It is a case of 'You-want-I-Give-You-so-you-pay' kind of thingie.
Still on sports, is Singapore proceeding with the YOG? So little is heard of this event I thought the minister in charge of sports has lost his interest in the YOG. Maybe the YOG is like a secondary school sports day event that is why we don't get so much pom-pom and ra-ra going on. The remaining 2010 will be a busy period for some people, having to balance their lives with the world cup tight match schedules, the upcoming national day parade, the YOG (if it is still on) and the much anticipated election (ranked 2nd after the world cup..lol)
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