Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tyger Tyger burning bright

Tiger Airway today announced it had earned S$28.2 million at the end of March 2010. The listed company reported a loss of S$50.8 million in the last financial year. CEO Tony Davis was all gleam when he said that the airline has clearly succeeded with its pure low cost model and are well positioned to to take advantage of growth opportunities in the region.
Lets rewind back to last year where innumerous passengers were stranded by the airline's irresponsible customer service, something that everyone, especially those directly affected, does not want any memory of. Tiger's hotlines, manned mainly by non-existent ghosts, are never answered. Though passengers are elated for having got into such good deal in the low-cost (say cheap) tickets, many more suffered as a consequence of the company's devil-may-care attitude towards those stranded in foreign lands. Worst still when they are very young people with little or no travel experience to help them get by.
So, who should they be thankful for with such spectacular returns in the their financial book? Yes, all the suckers passengers. On one hand they want cheap cheap tickets and on the other, demand standards equivalent to those of non-budget airlines. Then there are those who will argue that Tiger is  their messiah for without this cheap tickets, they would not have a chance to travel at all. To this I have no answers, it is a case of willing buyer willing seller.
I am sure complaints against Tiger's infamous customer service will not cease here. I do not feel for these people but to say, you ask for it and you deserve it.
I have never taken a tiger flight before and until the company demostrate their humane side to act responsibly to the people they serve, I don't think I ever will.

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